‘The four ages of man’ by William Butler Yeats, ‘Macbeth’ and ‘As you like it’ by William Shakespeare and ‘Oedipus (Sphinx riddle)’ by Sophocles are pieces of literary works by great poet and playwright. These literary works talk about human’s cycle of life.
In my opinion, I like ‘The four ages of man’ more because the poet makes us think how a human is born until the day his life is taken by God; or die. In the poem, it tells about the true nature of human who will have lives and breathe, then struggle for their own future and finally died. The poem also describes how human’s arrogant and proud will lead how they are going to die whether in despair or honour. Besides that, we know that no human can go against the will of God and it is best for us to be grateful with everything that we have and always strive for the best.
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