Saturday, January 5, 2008

My short story post-mortem

In the first class of this semester, the lecturer gave us the survey to test our memory about the last semester’s subject; which is ‘Teaching the language of short stories’. This survey is good for our memory about the past. Frankly speaking, when we left for semester break we will tend to forget everything that we have learned. It is also one of the ways to open the right schemata for the new lesson. Therefore, this activity is really beneficial to us to integrate and refresh the knowledge that we have in our long term memory.


snoorasiah said...

errm...i do agree with mr khairil. when we are leaving our lecturing time, we tend to forget all the inputs that our lecturers have given us. but, by doing this task, we can activate our shcemata about the term in the short story. therefore, i think this activity is really beneficial and can be applied to any other subject also.that's all..

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