Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Final Entry


This is my final entry for this course of EDU3234. I am really grateful to have a lecturer like Miss Dzeelfa because throughout this semester under her teaching, I have learned so many things about literature and techniques that can be used for my teaching practice next year. Therefore, I would like to take the chance to thank Miss and all of my group members for all of the lessons and supports. THANK YOU ALL…

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Final Entry


This is my final entry for this course of EDU3234. I am really grateful to have a lecturer like Miss Dzeelfa because throughout this semester under her teaching, I have learned so many things about literature and techniques that can be used for my teaching practice next year. Therefore, I would like to take the chance to thank Miss and all of my group members for all of the lessons and supports. THANK YOU ALL…



This time, we are exposed to an activity that we are familiar with. We are required to find a suitable song that related to any literary text that we want to teach in class. We have to give information about the song such as the author of the song, the background of the song and theme of the song. Then, we need to present it to the class and sing it as a whole with the class. We also need to generate activities based on the song chosen.
My group decided to use ‘You Belong with Me’ by Taylor Swift and relate it with the text of “Cinderella Girl’. For the activities, we generate three activities for while reading and post reading stages. In the while reading activity, students are required to underline differences of the persona in the song. In the post reading, students are asked to create their own ending for the story and make poem based on the text.

Jigsaw Reading


We are introduced to a new activity in class which is jigsaw reading. First of all, Miss exposed to us the benefits of jigsaw reading and then she asked us to it. Some of the benefits are to encourage active learning among students because students have to give ideas among them about texts they discuss, it also combines several important aspects of learning such as comprehension, oral presentation, small project work; and can be used any size of class. For our in class activity, we are divide in groups and were given different sets of text. After that, we are needed to get in a new group of people with the same text. Here, we need to discuss what the text is about as a group and give ideas. Later, we are needed to get in our original groups and combine all of the information with the group members. The text was actually, Malcolm X’s speech about white people treatment to black people. From here on, we need to tell our group members what we have from the discussion before and then we can make sense on what the speech was all about as a whole based on the guided questions from Miss.
In Jigsaw reading, personally I feel really grateful to learn it because in school, my English teachers have never done it and I think that it is really beneficial to students. They will have the whole idea of the text without reading the whole text alone and save time by doing so.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Famous speeches too


We present everything that we have discussed to the class. Mainly, the speech Is about the declaration of war made by US president that time, Roosevelt as a result after an attack to their military base in Pearl Harbor. Other than that, in the speech it shows hoe egoistic and powerful USA can be if they are threatened. For the second part of our task, we have generated two activities of set induction and post reading. In the set induction activity, students are asked to listen to a song of ‘What I’ve Done’ by Linkin Park; and then students need to underline all the destructions made by mankind from the lyric given. In the post reading activity, students have to do some reflection by making a poem or poster about anti-war.
This activity is really beneficial for me and my friends because we can use it in school when we want to do something creative from speeches.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Famous speeches


We were exposed to speeches by many famous politicians all over the world such as J.F Kennedy, Tun Dr Mahathir, Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, and many more. Miss explained that these can be used as teaching aids by asking students to find key messages, speaker’s point of view, listen to the original speech if available and compare it with the text. These are some activities that can be generated from the speeches. Then, we were asked to do and focus on one speech per group and my group will focus on Franklin Delano Roosevelt speech in Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation. From the speech we have to find the purpose, key message, POV, the tone of speech, and then present them in class. After that, we also have to generate 2 activities based on the speech. We have to present both in the tutorial class.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Parody too


The day has come for all of us to perform our parody. After 2 days of discussion with my group members, we have decided to perform the parody of ‘Hunchback of the Notre dame’. At first, we would like to do on ‘Three Musketeers’ but we changed it because many of us are not familiar with the text. In this parody, the setting still the same, but we change the gender of the characters to make it funny. As usual, Is and I will be leading actors. In this parody, the hunchback is the girl and the guy is the handsome one. I played as the hunchback girl and Is become the handsome man. Once again, I have to act as a woman because it will be funny to watch. However, it is good for all of us because it was like a practice in building our confidence.

Thursday, October 15, 2009



Today, we learn about parody. What is parody? I seem to have heard it somewhere before, but I couldn’t remember it well. I guess, it has something to do with something funny. Later, Miss explained that, parody or spoof in contemporary usage f a work created. It is meant to poke fun from the original text. Miss gave us some examples of parody texts such as ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, ‘The Fellowship’, Cinderella’, ‘Goldilocks’ and so on. All of the texts have been modified to serve the purpose as parody. It is really funny to read them. I also know that, parody can be in many themes, not just for fun. It also can be a critic on politic or current issues but still worth to read. Towards the end of the class, all of us are required to act out a parody of our choice in groups for next class.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thesis statement final


Friday has come and this is the day I decided to present my position paper. In Miss’ room, there was me, Is, Jasmine and Caah. We have to present in front of Miss one by one and when done we can leave the office since it is rather small. My turn is the last one after Is. My position paper covered about ‘Oedipus the King’ by Sophocles. My thesis statement was ‘Oedipus belief in prophecy leads to his downfall’. During the presentation I explain and asked for Miss’ opinion whether it is Ok. Then Miss told me that it is better for me to change the thesis statement since the points that I have were different from my thesis statement. She recommended to me to change it to ‘Oedipus’ denial in the prophecy leads to his downfall’. Thanks to her I now can do a better position paper and I promised her to send the complete position paper on time.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

presentation too


The presentation day has come, but my turn is not today because the turn began from behind and my turn is number 12. Therefore, I just came to listen others position paper. It is interesting to listen to others point of view and stand for the literary text they chose. Compared to what I did for my position paper presentation, I felt that mine is the worst. But to tell the truth, I still don’t start doing my position paper, I mean the essay part; it is really stressful. My turn to present is in the next class but I chose to present it in front of Miss in her office with my other friends who are free on Friday. Good luck to me.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thesis statement four


Next, in class activity, we are required to correct ten thesis statements given in groups. Actually, all of the thesis statements are coming from us which need correction. My group has to correct the thesis statement generated by Shazrina, she told us. Towards the end, each group has to present the corrected thesis statement and explain why. I just hope that my statement is correct but I was wrong and it is corrected by Jumi’s group. It’s OK. At least I know that I still have a chance to do well. Thanks to all.

Saturday, September 5, 2009



Today, Miss explained to the whole class what is acquired during our position paper’s presentation since the dateline is near. We need to it in slide show and point forms and it must consist of title and author of the text we work on. Then, our thesis statement and followed by the supporting details to support it. We must explain in detail of our position paper.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009



Another alternative genre in literature is letter or diary. Before this I thought letters has nothing to do with literature at all, but from the examples given by Miss, I notice that letters also have literature values in it. ‘Letters of John Keats’ is a good example of love letter and we could use it to mesmerize the one we love from the words used by him hehe. In diary I now know that there can be like normal diary or a long composition diary for us to read and use in our daily life. Kafka is one of example given to us in class of a long written essay diary. Basically, I think, letters or diaries are ways to express our feelings in words.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thesis statement three


We are asked to read ‘The Zoo Story’ by Edward Albee and then try to generate the thesis statement and supporting details for the statement. We do it in groups as usual and discuss it in class for clear explanation. ‘The Zoo Story’ is a story about Jerry who is torn between his dignity and self-respect, at least that’s what I can understand from my reading and I hope it is not wrong.
Miss corrected our thesis statement and points where needed for our own good.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thesis statement too


Today is tutorial, as in previous class, we continue our lesson in the thesis statement thingy. This time around, we were given a few good examples of thesis statements for us to identify the differences. Then, Miss Dzeelfa ordered us to form groups of 6-7 people and try to generate good thesis statement based on the text of….by doing this, only now I got the clear idea on how to do the position paper. In class I help my group members in generating the thesis statement and Miss came to all of the groups to check our thesis whether or not it is correct or relevant to the text. We also have to write down the thesis statement at the whiteboard for correction and suggestion from Miss and the whole class.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bio& Autobiography


This time, I learned about different genre of texts brought up by Miss to class. For today’s class, Miss taught us about biography and autobiography. These are essential for us in the research paper. Biography is third person narration about someone famous or great or could be anyone special. Meanwhile, autobiography is first person narration of the person. Usually, biography and autobiography will talk about the life or hardship of a person. In class, we got a text on ‘The Long Walk to Freedom: Autobiography of Nelson Mandela’. It is a story about Nelson Mandela in dealing with apartheid. Now I know how great he is in fighting for his rights and his people, I admire him for his courage.

Thursday, August 6, 2009



I just know who Ovid is, this is the first time I heard the name. According to Miss, he is a poet from Rome and born on 43BC. Ovid’s works has inspired many artists from various centuries such as Shakespeare and Anne Rice. His famous work is Metamorphoses which is an epic from derived from Greek mythology. Other than that, his work taken from the epic is ‘Pyramus and Thisbe’ a story about true love. After reading the extract of Pyramus and Thisbe, as usual we form into groups and need to act out the scene from the extract. For this short drama, I have to be Pyramus and Iskandar as Thisbe. We try to make it different from the original text by using male for female character. I could see that the whole class was laughing watching our acting. It was fun and good experience to me.

Monday, July 20, 2009

project work


This sem is the beginning of a new lesson because I have to take new subject in project work in literature which I find quite interesting and really challenging, as always. At first, I always thought this subject requires me to write a thesis on a literary text but as I learned since the first day, Miss Dzeelfa really makes it easy for me to get what she wants me to work on for her subject. Even though in the first week there's not much to learn. However on that day, I did learn something new which are the differences of tales and fables. It is really helpful and beneficial for me before going out for teaching...

New Sem, New Mood


This sem all of the final year Teslian will start to work on the project paper.
so do i.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thesis statement


This week, in class I learned on how to do a good thesis statement for position paper. First of all, I really don’t get what is the purpose for the thesis statement. It is really troublesome because i have never done it before. Basically, in the class, I just listened to the lectures but don’t really understand at all. I asked Is what is position paper and thesis statement for clarification. But, the answer that I got from is different from what Miss Dzeelfa explained. So, I just pretended that I understood the lesson for the day, I guess, as long as I don’t start do it practically, I will never be able to do it. By the end of the class, miss told us all that we will take a look on some good thesis statements in next class. Thank God, I hope it is really useful.

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