Thursday, October 15, 2009


Today, we learn about parody. What is parody? I seem to have heard it somewhere before, but I couldn’t remember it well. I guess, it has something to do with something funny. Later, Miss explained that, parody or spoof in contemporary usage f a work created. It is meant to poke fun from the original text. Miss gave us some examples of parody texts such as ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, ‘The Fellowship’, Cinderella’, ‘Goldilocks’ and so on. All of the texts have been modified to serve the purpose as parody. It is really funny to read them. I also know that, parody can be in many themes, not just for fun. It also can be a critic on politic or current issues but still worth to read. Towards the end of the class, all of us are required to act out a parody of our choice in groups for next class.


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