Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thesis statement final


Friday has come and this is the day I decided to present my position paper. In Miss’ room, there was me, Is, Jasmine and Caah. We have to present in front of Miss one by one and when done we can leave the office since it is rather small. My turn is the last one after Is. My position paper covered about ‘Oedipus the King’ by Sophocles. My thesis statement was ‘Oedipus belief in prophecy leads to his downfall’. During the presentation I explain and asked for Miss’ opinion whether it is Ok. Then Miss told me that it is better for me to change the thesis statement since the points that I have were different from my thesis statement. She recommended to me to change it to ‘Oedipus’ denial in the prophecy leads to his downfall’. Thanks to her I now can do a better position paper and I promised her to send the complete position paper on time.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

presentation too


The presentation day has come, but my turn is not today because the turn began from behind and my turn is number 12. Therefore, I just came to listen others position paper. It is interesting to listen to others point of view and stand for the literary text they chose. Compared to what I did for my position paper presentation, I felt that mine is the worst. But to tell the truth, I still don’t start doing my position paper, I mean the essay part; it is really stressful. My turn to present is in the next class but I chose to present it in front of Miss in her office with my other friends who are free on Friday. Good luck to me.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thesis statement four


Next, in class activity, we are required to correct ten thesis statements given in groups. Actually, all of the thesis statements are coming from us which need correction. My group has to correct the thesis statement generated by Shazrina, she told us. Towards the end, each group has to present the corrected thesis statement and explain why. I just hope that my statement is correct but I was wrong and it is corrected by Jumi’s group. It’s OK. At least I know that I still have a chance to do well. Thanks to all.

Saturday, September 5, 2009



Today, Miss explained to the whole class what is acquired during our position paper’s presentation since the dateline is near. We need to it in slide show and point forms and it must consist of title and author of the text we work on. Then, our thesis statement and followed by the supporting details to support it. We must explain in detail of our position paper.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009



Another alternative genre in literature is letter or diary. Before this I thought letters has nothing to do with literature at all, but from the examples given by Miss, I notice that letters also have literature values in it. ‘Letters of John Keats’ is a good example of love letter and we could use it to mesmerize the one we love from the words used by him hehe. In diary I now know that there can be like normal diary or a long composition diary for us to read and use in our daily life. Kafka is one of example given to us in class of a long written essay diary. Basically, I think, letters or diaries are ways to express our feelings in words.

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