Wednesday, February 27, 2008


In my opinion, Macbeth is a really good movie to watch because it represents the theme of power can turn someone good to a bad one. Besides that, the use of oracle is similar to the play of Oedipus the King. The oracle plays a big role in the movie because it can be the only way to make the movie well developed. The oracle is important because Macbeth died because of the oracle that he believes so much. Besides that, the movie is also well adapted from the play itself written by William Shakespeare. Even though the movie is quite violent, but the way it presented is good and delivered well to the audiences.
The theme of greed is presented well and I agree that, people will tend to change when we are consumed by the lust and greed for power. Overall, the movie is good to watch and for the learning.


yuen thien said...

I have to agree with Khai that it is a rather good movie as for the presentation of fate and oracle through the representation of the prophecy are rather similar of Oedipus Rex. But i dont think that it is suitable for our students viewing as the movie contains quite a number of violence scene and I'm afraid that it may have more negative effect then some positifs one.

alia said...

i believe that people will change from good to evil because of power.. what yuen thien said also true, this movie is too violent to be watched by the student. too many killing and blood scenes.. huhuhu... scary.. but much more interesting than shakespeare wallah...

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