Saturday, March 29, 2008

Simulated Teaching: How we are evaluating others?

In the session of simulated teaching, I will evaluate in the way the teachers present at the front of the class in terms of appearance, voice projection, grammar, and confidence. First, I will look at the appearance of the teachers because first impression will affect the whole teaching process. If the teachers well-dressed, it will indirectly attract the students to listen to the teachers. Next, I will look at how the voice projection be produced. A loud and clear voice is needed in order to make a better teaching process. Then, teachers should not do any grammatical errors while teaching because as teachers we must have a good proficiency. Next, I will look at the activities provided to the students, is it cater the students' level? Is it appropriate and how it is done? These are few elements that need to be stressed in doing activities. Finally, I will evaluate on the confidence of the teacher, because teachers must have confidence in what they are teaching. It is because if they do not have confidence, how are they going to teach the students.
After all, this evaluation session is good for us to know our flaws and strength for later use when we enter the profession world as teachers.


Eunice MiKuMiKu said...

I agree with you that the appearance of a teacher is very important in teaching. Students will definitely won't pay attention to a teacher that is wearing jeans and t-shirt in class. This is irrespective to the school and the class as well as to students too. Next, the voice projection. Loud and clear voice is needed for a teaching. I mean who will pay attention to a teacher that is talking to herself? They will only think that this teacher is crazy. The tasks that provided for students also important. Students will feel boring if a task is too easy or too difficult for them. Last, about the confidence. I think a well-prepared teacher will have the full confidence in class. So, preparation is very important for a teaching....

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